Fat Reduction Device FAQs

How does the Fat Reduction Device work?

This device uses light therapy to work at the cellular level, it tricks the mitochondria in the fat cell to create a transitory pore in the cell membrane, allow fatty acids and triglycerides to escape. These fat cell contents are then drained by the lymphatic system and processed by the liver as part of the body’s normal course of detoxification. The pore in the fat cell will close in 2-3 days and the contents will be expelled in the patient’s waste over the next few days. It does not kill or harm the fat cell in any way.

When the fat is released from the fat cell, where does it go?

The fat cell contents are voided from the body into the stool and urine.

What areas can you use it on?
What areas can you use it on?
You can use it on any area with fat accumulation except for female breasts. In addition to treating the most common areas such as waist, hips or thighs, it can also work on “love handles”, chins, underarms and even knee fat.
Do some people respond better than others?

Yes. Patients with a higher metabolic rate are better able to excrete the fat cell contents. However, this light therapy works for individuals of all ages and skin types.

How long has the device you are using been available?

This light therapy has used for over 40 years but its only been since 2012 that the technology advanced to provide for fat reduction.

Is the treatment safe?

Yes this is totally safe. There are no reports of anyone experiencing any serious side effects.

How bright is the light therapy?

It is not as bright on your skin as walking into the mid-day sun and does not include dangerous UV rays like the sun emits. Sunlight is four times brighter than this therapy.

Can this light therapy be used on everyone?

No. This therapy is contraindicated if:

  • Pregnant
  • Nursing
  • Active cancer condition
  • Compromised liver or kidney function since these organs are important in the release of the fat cell contents.
  • Medical condition associated with photosensitivity i.e. Lupus or Albinism
  • Medicines that cause photosensitivity were taken within the last month such as Retinoid drugs like  Accutane, St. John’s Wart, doxycycline, tetracycline or methotrexate.

It is best to let our provider know ALL medical conditions, ALL medications including creams or any over the counter products that you are using before you undergo this treatment.

How many sessions do I need?

This depends on much fat is in the treatment area and your desired goal. Most people need at least three treatment sessions to achieve their goals.   Body Mass Index scale (“BMI”) is also another great tool to determine how many treatment sessions you may need especially if your target area for slimming is in your abdomen, bottom or thighs.  See attached BMI table to find your BMI.

If your BMI is 20-24:  A minimum of 3 sessions is recommended.

If your BMI is 25-29:  A minimum of 6 sessions is recommended.

If your BMI is 30+:      A minimum of 9 sessions is recommended.

How often can I get my treatments?
This therapy should not be used more than twice a week as some individuals are unable to expel all of the liberated fat cell contents fast enough. If more than 4 inches are lost during any one treatment, allowing 1-2 weeks before your next treatment is often best. The medical provider will also advise on the best treatment schedule.
What treatment package options do you offer?
Currently, we offer 3 treatment packages: The “Waist Buster”, “Full Body” or “Bottom Buster”. However, we can also customize a treatment package based on your desired areas and goals.
What is the Waist Buster or Bottom Buster?
The “Waist Buster” treats the abdomen and love handles and is a popular choice for men and women. It consists of four 8 minute sessions around the circumference of your waist for a total of 32 minutes. In the “Bottom Buster”, the treatment focus is on on the thighs and/or buttocks only.
Please describe the Full Body treatment?
The “Full Body” treatment includes the abdomen, love handles, lower back, inner thighs, buttocks (if wanted), (excludes lower-mid legs, arms, face, neck and female chest). The treatment consists of six 8 minute sessions around the targeted areas for a total of 48 minutes. This treatment yields immediate and measurable results.
How much does the light therapy cost?

Treatments are very affordable and depend on what areas are treated.   We offer special discounts when three or more treatment session packages are purchased.  

Our treatment prices are a fraction of the cost of other body slimming treatments.  We also offer customized packages and our provider will be available to help you
create the best one for your needs.

How long is the light therapy treatment?

Each area only takes 8 minutes to treat. Our Waist Buster or Bottom Buster involves four treatment areas at 8 minutes each and during the Full Body, six different areas are treated.

Does it hurt?

Not at all, it’s completely pain-free! Not even heat is generated as part of its mechanism of action.

Will it work for really big people?

Yes, it doesn’t matter how much fat you have. The technology with target fat in the underlying tissue and shrink it instantly. Individual results may vary but significant results are possible!

What happens to the skin in the treated area? Can it reduce cellulite?

While the light therapy drains and shrinks the fat cells, it also tightens and smooths the skin by adding new collagen and elastin. It can also reduce the appearance of cellulite and stretch marks.  We also offer another device called Ultrasmooth that is FDA cleared for the treatment of cellulite.  Ultrasmooth and this light therapy can be given on the same day.

What can I expect during a session?

While laying on our exam table, the light therapy panel is aimed at each stubborn fat areas for 8 minutes, and is rotated according to each individuals requests. Based on your specific goals, sessions customarily range from 32 minutes to 1 hour. 

Is this treatment similar to liposuction?

No, not at all. Liposuction is a surgical procedure. As is true with any surgery, there are always risks involved such as infections, anesthesia complications or rarely a potentially fatal complication caused by a fat emboli. Many people who undergo liposuction can experience significant discomfort for weeks after the surgery that may impact exercise or even returning to work. This prolonged downtime is a hidden expense of liposuction that many people didn’t factor in when choosing this option. Another distinction is that liposuction removes the fat cells in the area where it is performed and if weight is gained back, the body must now store the extra fat in other areas or in the fat cells that were missed during the surgery, creating a new problem fat area, unattractive bumps or buldges that were not present previously.

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