Cellulite Reduction Treatment
UltraSmooth™ is a FDA-cleared Non-Invasive treatment for Cellulite
Here are the key features:
- NO needles, NO bruising, NO pain, No downtime
- Works by Photobiomodulation through Green Light technology, kinetic energy and compression garments to create a natural cellular response in the skin and fat
- Improves the appearance of Cellulite and achieves fat loss
- Dieting and exercise is not required to achieve desired effect
- Safe without risk to internal tissues or organs
- Can be applied to any area where cellulite is noticed
- Involves six 20 minute treatment visits, typically three weekly for two weeks. A percussive massage unit applied topically. Between visits, the patient wears a compressive garment.
- No Add-On Costs. There are no disposables, no per-use charges, and or maintenance costs.
- Unique patented technology to achieve more powerful results than any other cellulite treatments.
- No side effects, complications, or adverse events.
Contact us if you want to learn even more about this Cellulite Device, including costs and available packages.
We are ready to help you improve the appearance of cellulite and lose inches without pain, surgery or any downtime!!
*Individual results may vary. Terms and conditions available upon request