Even though it probably feels like you just put your decorations away, the 2016 holiday season is here. Before you know it, you’ll be busy baking, shopping, traveling to see relatives, and attending all those wonderful holiday parties. It’s easy to forget about your skin at a time like this.

Be Dazzling for the Holidays by Following These Skin Tips Now

We are fortunate in California to not have extreme variations in temperature that people in other climates experience in November and December. However, that doesn’t mean you’re immune from what extreme temperature changes can do to your skin: you may have skin that is sensitive to even the slightest change in weather conditions, or you could also be traveling to visit relatives who live in a cold climate.

Without adequate preparation, your skin will show the stress of this change by becoming flaky, red, or dry. A big change in your diet due to traveling, a busy schedule, and overindulgence in holiday goodies can cause this to happen as well.

You might not be able to control the hectic pace of the holiday season, but anyone can carve out a few minutes to do the following:

  • Stay as physically active as possible
  • Make sure you’re getting at least seven hours of sleep every night, preferably eight hours
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Limit long, hot showers
  • Use a daily moisturizer

These habits will prevent your skin from drying out as well as reduce your stress level. That means your skin is less likely to respond with an acne breakout, redness, flakiness, and other common problems.

Consider a Laser Skin Treatment

You may still struggle with problem skin even when you do all the above. Or perhaps you just want to look especially dazzling for the holidays. If either of these is the case, you may want to consider getting professional skin treatment.

At Optimal Health, we offer two painless treatments that give impressive results in just a few outpatient sessions. Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) with Cutera LimeLight reaches the deepest layers of your skin to smoothen wrinkles, remove brown spots, reverse sun damage, and more. We use it to treat patients with a variety of skin tones and severity of skin problems.

Laser Genesis is an outstanding option for laser skin treatment. It has been clinically proven to increase the production of new collagen as well as decrease pore size, redness, scars, and fine wrinkles. It can treat any area on your face or neck, and works quickly and effectively.

Our patients tell us that getting a skin treatment is extremely relaxing, especially knowing that they are doing something good for themselves and their skin. What could be a better gift to yourself? Click here to learn more or schedule an appointment.


With a variety of services designed to help you feel and look your best, Optimal Health, Weight and Laser Center offers free no-obligation consultations.

Want to look gorgeous for the Holidays?

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